Rather than thinking about how to perform for the algorithm, what if making videos for social media was fun and doable?
You don't have to keep up with the latest algorithm hacks or trends. Because let's be honest, you have better things to do in your business than spending hours on figuring out videos, right?
In this 90-minute class with Glenyce Hughes, she will show you how she gets her videos to be SEEN without spending hours recording, editing, and uploading them.
Focusing on short-form videos will help you get into the practice of being more consistent with your visibility and have more fun. Plus, you will relieve the overwhelming frustration of video marketing.
We focus mostly on videos for Instagram and TikTok, but the principles Glenyce shares are foundational for all forms of video marketing.
You will learn how to build trust with your audience, even if you’re just starting out or have a tiny audience.
What’s Included:
I invited Glenyce to be the guest teacher for this class because hiring her to help me with social media videos changed everything. I have been creating videos consistently for months, some reaching thousands of views.
❌ This class is not about going viral, making a bajillion dollars from social media, or being an influencer. What Glenyce shares at the very beginning of the class about why you DON'T want to go viral is 🤯.
✅ What it IS about is gaining more visibility without being trendy, dancing on screen, or feeling inauthentic. (Can I get an amen!?)
P.S. There is no pitch to buy anything more from this class. This is a stand-alone class full of valuable training you can implement right away.
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